In addition to the normal way of signing up with YouCanDoMaths, which one does through the website by clicking on
REGISTER and paying through PAYFAST, we also have a voucher system. 

Here is why:

  • For individuals who would like to sponsor a child. Vouchers for 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months are available:
      The prices (including VAT) are:
      1 month   – R360
      3 months  – R580
      6 months  – R875
      9 months  – R1 200
      12 months – R1 435
  • For schools who would like to recommend our program to their learners. We give bulk discount if schools are prepared to help with the admin, i.e. collecting money and handing out the vouchers. Please contact us on info@youcandomaths for more information.
  • For companies who would like to sponsor a school or employees’ children. The length and the price of these vouchers are negotiable. Please contact us on 
  • To sell YouCanDoMaths vouchers at retail outlets. We will keep you posted once these vouchers become available.
  • To sell YouCanDoMaths vouchers on internet platforms. We will keep you posted once these vouchers become available.

At the moment vouchers are only available at YouCanDoMaths.

To purchase a voucher:

1. Email and state the type (1, 3, 6, 9 or 12 months) and number of vouchers required.
2. We will then send you our banking details.
3. Once payment has been received, we will send you the voucher number(s).

  • When signing up, you will see the question: “Do you have a voucher number?
  • Please click on “Yes” and enter the voucher number.
  • After successfully confirming that the voucher is valid, the next step is to enter the learner details.
  • After redeming the voucher, you have immediate access to the program.
  • Lastly, a confirmation email will be sent to the learner's email (username).